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Friday, February 19, 2016

The Basic structure of C.

If you want to be a good programmer,You need to know the basic structure of a language (C).

In C basically there are two parts.Like Include Files Part & Main function () part.

Include files like header files.There are many header files stored In C language library.such as #include <stdio.h>, #include <math.h>,#include <conio.h> etc.
Main function usually declare the variables and call the library functions,user defined functions.Every C program starts with main ().You can not think C without main ().In C,there can be many functions along with main ().Every function has specific work.
“Other functions” part is under main () function.Main () function call different types of library functions like, clrscr(),getch(),sqrt(),printf(),scanf(). And also call user defined functions.

Now I am going to describe a program sections.

You can write comments in the document section.To write single line comment use // and for multiline comment use /*……*/.
You have to link a header file in the link section.Header files define the library functions and keywords.Header files executes the program.
Symbolic constants are defined in the definition section.
Global variables are declared in the Global variable declaration section.Global variables can be used in several function.
Main function is a function where a program call the library functions and user defined functions.C program starts from compile and executes main() function.

Main function consist of two parts:

(1)Declaration part:- It declare all variables which are used in executable part.

(2)Executable part:- Executable part contains with  minimum one statement.

There is a Demo program for you:

#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
    printf("Hello World.");

 return 0;

Be continue.......

1 comment:

  1. #include
    int main ()
    printf("we are friends");

    return 0;



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